Philip McCrickard (Managing Director) visited Year 13 Business Studies students at a workshop in St Malachy’s High School. The students gained valuable knowledge on this industry and were given an insight into future career choices.
The Partner Practice is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group's wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group's website The 'St. James's Place Partnership' and the title 'Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.
McGrady Financial Services Ltd is registered in Northern Ireland No. NI032133. Registered Office: 33 St Patricks Avenue Downpatrick Co Down Northern Ireland BT30 6DW.
Copyright 2025 McGrady Financial Services Ltd. All rights reserved.
SJP APPROVED 26/07/2024